May 2020
Hi Friends,
Pun completely intended, but I may or may not have totally missed the fact that May 1st was on Friday. Better late than never, right?! So Happy Monday and Happy May! It’s definitely been odd the past month-and-a-half but despite the eery times, Spring is starting to feel like Summer, and I’m getting really excited for May. Not only is it it my birthday month, but it’s also Mother’s Day! I’m very close to my momma and I always try to plan something fun for her for Mother’s Day. Both festivities will be very different this year, and parts of me are a bit bummed that it’s not “ideal”, but I’m staying positive and still really looking forward to making memorable and happy celebrations with my momma and some of my loved ones!
April Recap:
How is everyone holding up and what was everyone up to in April? For about a week this past month, I was really struggling with my stress levels and anxiety, and after taking a step back, talking about it, and then dealing with it, I was able to manage a better grasp on my situation. I still have my ups + downs, but making these changes was so helpful to me that I decided to share some tips in hopes to support or bring relief to anyone who might be experiencing anything similar: Dealing with Stress + Anxiety in the time of COVID-19. So for the most part, I’ve been stressed about the future and having lots of anxiety surrounding this pandemic, but I’m also now trying to stay as positive as possible.
I hope you all have been able to have some good moments this past month, and I figured we could share with each other the highlights and accomplishments we’ve made in April!
April Highlights:
We got a new family member! He’s a rescue so we’re all still getting used to each other, but Welcome to the fam, Musubi!
Easter Luau Brunch at the boyfriend’s place! It was so delish! I kept it simple for once and made one dish: Hawaiian Butter Mochi!
I took a virtual Cooking Class from Picklé with my mom and brother and learned how to make Hawaiian Butter Mochi with special guest, Sonoko Sakai
Successfully completed 5 of 8 weeks in Sarah’s Day’s Sweat it to Shred it E-book with my cousin! It’s looking like we’re going to make it through all 8-weeks.
Thinks I worked on in April:
Trying not to overanalyzing/ruminating on things
Making Healthy Comfort Foods! Especially, Japanese recipes!
Communication Skills with my boyfriend (we’re both not the best communicators and since we’ve been spending A LOT of time together, we’ve quickly learned we need to work on those skills).
Healthier, more mindful snacking
One of the main things I’m focusing on this month is productivity, positivity, and connection! If there’s one thing the “stay at home” order is giving me, it’s time—time to be productive and connect with people in ways that I normally wouldn’t. So I want to write down some achievable goals and tasks for myself that I either want to start or complete this month. Not only will it cross some things off my list that have been there for what feels like forever, but it will also boost my mood to feel accomplished and productive!
A great way to start May with positive energy and jump start productivity is to use the start of this month to reflect on the positives during this time and look forward to the future. Set a list of realistic goals you can accomplish and maybe give yourself a challenge to start a project or complete a task you’ve really been meaning to get to during this time!
Another way I’m trying to maintain positivity this month is by accepting that I will not get everything done that I set out to do. So part of my daily practice in May that I also urge you to consider doing, is to be kind to yourself, forgive yourself if you don’t reach your goals, and try not to compare yourself to others (something I’m notorious for and really trying to work on for my mental wellbeing). During this pandemic, some of us are becoming Netflix & Chill pros, other’s home improvement aficionados, and the rest of us fall between the range of getting back on track with our health + wellness, and starting new businesses. We’re all individuals so I think we’re all going to range on our productivity levels on this time and that’s totally okay.
So what are your goals + intentions for the month? How will you be positive, productive, and connect with other’s in May and what are you looking forward to?
My Productivity Goals:
Start a new paining or drawing that will end up on the walls of my apartment
Work on reducing sugar intake + focus on eating whole foods even when snacking
My Connectivity Goals:
Set up FaceTime calls with 2-3 friends and have meaningful chats with them
Plan a fun Mother’s Day for my mom with my brother
My Positivity Goals:
Focus on positive thoughts. Go for a mindful + happy walk when I find myself ruminating, having negative thoughts, or when I’m in a negative mood.
It’s my birthday month so I’m going to TREAT MYSELF! I’m not going to lie, I’ve already bought myself a new bikini, Floor Seat to the My Chemical Romance concert in October (Fingers Crosse it still happens), and I’m looking for some new clean skincare + make up. RIP savings.
Things I’m Looking Forward To this Month:
Celebrating my awesome momma!
Celebrating my birthday (still have NO IDEA how it’s going to go)
Being creative: working on my new painting/drawing and creating some new recipes!
Seasonal Produce:
Apples Artichoke
Avocados Asparagus
Asian Pears Beets
Banana Bell Peppers
Cherries Broccoli + Brussels Sprouts
Apricots Chard
Rhubarb Cucumbers
Berries Green Beans + Snow Peas
Melon Eggplant + Summer Squash
I hope we can all take a little relief in knowing that we’re not alone in this, and please don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and talk about what you’re going through! I’m positive that whoever you end up talking to is more than likely experiencing something similar and perhaps you can give each other some relief and validation. Let’s all use this beautiful month of May to be productive, positive, and connect with others. I’m so excited to see what this month holds and I hope LA and OC will be able to start opening back up again soon! In the meantime, stay tuned on the Love Always Nat blog to see what recipes I’ve been working on and what I'll be up to this month!